Restaurant POS System

In this system we have all options -Normal Restaurant -Bar/Caffe or Selfservice

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Orion has everything you need
to grow your restaurant.

Powerful, easy-to-use, cloud-based POS works on your preferred devices. Available online and offline, our POS has the flexibility you need to run a successful business.


All-in-one system
designed to boost your
restaurant profits.

Orion Pro combines POS, payments, reservation systems and turns it into easily work so you can increase profits, improve sales and manage everything throughout our website just in real-time!

Integration with Hotel Management

Integration with Mobile Waiter App

Reporting and Analytics

Ingredient-Level Inventory Management

Online Reports through our website

Bill Splitting

Guest Seating

Serves all business size

Kitchen Display

Related Apps
Web & Phone

Online Reports &
Critical Stock.

Deep analytics and easy dashboards, can help you to improve staff performance and increase guest retention.

... ...
Waiter App

Work Smart.
Not Hard.

No more forgetting orders or lost the paper, Take orders right at the table with your tablet, just by clicking order, the kitchen receives your selected products, real-time and safe!

Kitchen Display

Bump Screen Display
Real-time Kitchen Messages.

The chef is going to receive a real-time message, bump screen will reduce time, increase efficiency and minimize paper usage by using an electronic display system. Your kitchen is not going to be delayed anymore!


Remember, our employees are our biggest fans.

Powerful, easy-to-use, cloud-based POS works on your preferred devices. Available online and offline, our POS has the flexibility you need to run a successful business.

“There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure.”
So feel free to feedback.